How to find us/Getting there
Check In:
Only from 15.00 hrs. In exceptional cases, please contact us 24 hours prior to arrival.
La Gioia (Castel Ritaldi) is located in Umbria, the green heart of Italy, about 30 minutes south of Assisi.
Most car navigation systems fail in finding our road "Via Ruicciano". If so, please enter the following coordinates instead of our address:
E 12º 37’ 48’’
N 42º 48’ 57’’
If you are using Google Maps on your smartphone, you can enter our address.
Since there is usually substantial HGV traffic on the road via Florence on weekdays, we recommend that from Monday to Friday you rather take the route via Cesena. If you are driving via Florence,
you have a choice between "PANORAMICA" and "DIRETTISSIMA". The latter is a completely new stretch of motorway, wide and much shorter than the old one that goes through the Apennines. Follow the
signs north of Florence.
If you are driving without navigation system, please print the appropriate directions
From 19 January to 31 March and from 18 May to 6 October, travellers from Germany will have the opportunity to load their car onto the car train
as far as Verona. This service is available from Hamburg, Lüneburg, Hannover, Göttingen, Fulda, Munich, Kufstein, Innsbruck, Bolzano. From Verona to La Gioia it takes less than 4
hours by car. Details can be found at:
If you arrive on a regular train via Rome or Florence, we will gladly pick you up for free in Spoleto or Foligno. We are also happy to have your rental car waiting for you in La Gioia. Please ask